SP3 - Sustainability of the Energy Transition


The mission of SP3 is to guide the further development and application of concepts of a stakeholder-based comprehensive assessment on energy technologies contributing to a sustainable energy system, but also of possible energy futures and the paths to them, considering the demands of decision-maker.

Areas of intervention SP 3 works on: 

  • Coupling model-based analysis with sustainability assessment;
  • Revealing and implementing cross-impacts / interdependencies of sustainability indicators;
  • Single score approaches to handle conflicting findings of sustainable indicators.

Contribution of SP3 to the objective of JP e3s is to build the research capacity and competence needed for comprehensive assessments of energy technologies, energy futures and of possible pathways. 


  • Development of an approach to couple model-based analysis and sustainability assessment;
  • Identifying a method which allows to reveal and qualify the cross-impacts of sustainability indicators;
  • Contextualising existing MCDA approaches to sustainability assessment. 


SP 3 main references

Here below is a selection of publications dealing with the topics covered by SP3:


Witold - Roger Poganietz SP 3 Coordinator